All ACS TMG members of Classification society throughout Asia, ACS, thank for the success of the Indonesia Classification Society (BKI) in leading and organizing an international meeting of the Association of Asian Classification Society (ACS) in Yogyakarta on 18-19 March 2015. Chairman of TMG, Sjaifuddin Thahir (BKI) and all members in the meeting decided to establish a more intense communication with Hongkong Ship Owner Association (HKSOA) that contains the report (on machinery failures) expected by such organisation.

Besides that, TMG will develop the Container safety guidelines and BKI is as the initiating Society to submit a detailed proposal on the development of the Container safety guidelines. At the meeting, it was also discussed the monitoring of the program IMO and other international Organizations. One of the ACS program is to cooperate with international Organizations, ACS representation at the annual meeting / forum of ASEF, Tokyo MOU and IOMOU, frequently attended .

At the last session, ACS TMG also decided to hold a seminar program on 26 August 2015 in Danang Vietnam discussing issues related to the IMO, EU and other Organizations, ACS are to monitor the activities with IMO, EU and other Organizations and submit to the TMG the proposals for actions. The next TMG meeting will be held in Jakarta on 26 September 2015.