Title Description Action
001-2012 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) View Document
003-2013 Amandemen Rules Vol. I Classification and Surveys (Inggris-Indonesia) dan Rules Vol. IV Electrical Installation View Document
004-2013 Surat Pernyataan Keabsahan Dokumen Kapal View Document
006-2013 Amandemen Rules dan Penerbitan Rules, Guidelines, dan Gudance Baru View Document
007-2013 Amandemen Rules for Material, Rules for Welding, Rules for Automation, Rules for Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk View Document
008-2013 Penerbitan Statement of Compliance (SOC) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 View Document
009-2013 Amandemen Peraturan Klasifikasi dan Survey Edisi 2013 View Document
010-2013 BKI Rules, Guidelines, Gudance dan Petunjuk View Document
011-2014 SOLAS Amandements-Emergency Training and Drills View Document
012-2014 List of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships View Document
013-2014 Amandemen SOLAS-Tindakan khusus untuk meningkatkan keselamatan maritim View Document
014-2014 Amandemen 2012 untuk the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) View Document
015-2014 Amandemen untuk Protocol 1988 yang berkaitan dengan International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, sebagaimana yang telah diamandemen View Document
016-2014 Amandemen dari International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) View Document
017-2014 The Code on Noise Levels On Board Ships (Koda yang mengatur tingkat kebisingan pada kapal) View Document
018-2014 Amandemen 6 (Rules) BKI View Document
019-2014 Kampanye Inspeksi Terkonsentrasi (CIC) bersama oleh Tokyo dan Paris MOU mengenai Jam Istirahat sesuai STCW dari 1 September sampai dengan 30 Nopember 2014 View Document
020-2014 Amandemen dari Koda Manajemen Internasional untuk keselamatan pengoperasian kapal dan pencegahan terhadap pencemaran International Safety Management (ISM) Code View Document
021-2014 Wabah Penyakit Virus Ebola (EVD, Ebola Virus Disease) View Document
022-2014 Ringkasan hasil sidang Komite Keselamatan Maritim IMO ke 94 (MSC 94) View Document
023-2014 Amandemen Rules Klasifikasi & Survey dan Rules Instalasi Mesin Edisi 2015 View Document
024-2015 Amandemen terhadap MARPOL Annex VI dan NOX Technical Code 2008 View Document
025-2015 Peraturan terkait batasan nilai sulfur didalam Emission Control Area (ECA) terhitung 1 Januari 2015 View Document
026-2015 Penerbitan Rules dan Guidance View Document
027-2015 Peta Keamanan Maritim (Seri Q) dan Informasi kepada pelaut terkait keamanan (security related information to Mariners SRIM) View Document
028-2015 Laporan Singkat IMO Sub Commitee Meeting on Pollution Prevention Response (PPR 2) View Document
029-2015 Mandatory carriage requirements for a stability instrument for oil tankers and chemical tankers View Document
030-2015 Part 2. Vol. A. Petunjuk Klasifikasi dan Survey Kapal Notasi A90 dan A80 edisi 2015 View Document
031-2015 Summary Report of IMO Meetings of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction Session 2 (SDC 2) View Document
032-2015 Summary Report of IMO Meetings of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment Session 2 (SSE 2) View Document
033-2015 Larangan Akses & Syarat Memasuki Pelabuhan Australia View Document
034-2015 Laporan Singkat Sidang Sesi ke-68 IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 68) View Document
035-2015 Laporan Singkat aktivitas Port State Control (PSC) untuk kapal berbendera Indonesia pada tahun 2014 View Document
036-2015 Laporan Singkat Sidang IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Sesi ke-95 View Document
037-2015 Penerbitan Rules View Document
038-2015 Laporan Singkat ke-2 dari Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 2) View Document
039-2015 Kesepakatan kerjasama Kampanye Inspeksi Terkonsentrasi (CIC) bersama oleh Tokyo MoU dan Paris MoU dengan fokus pemeriksaan terhadap pengenalan personil kapal dalam memasuki area tertutup View Document
040-2015 Laporan SIngkat SIdang Sesi ke-2 dari Sub-Committee Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 2) View Document
041-2015 1. Cargo Tank High Level Alarm 2. Electric Heater Untuk Fuel Oil Tank 3. Penempatan A/E (Genset) di luar kamar mesin View Document
042-2015 Technical information no. 42-2015 View Document
043-2015 International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) View Document
044-2016 The issuance of Amendment Rules View Document
045-2016 Numbering changes of Technical Rules/Perubahan Penomeran Peraturan Teknik View Document
046-2016 Perubahan Penomoran Aturan Teknik View Document
047-2016 Update Regulasi IMO View Document
048-2016 Peraturan Mentri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Tentang Pencegahan Pencemaran Lingkungan Maritim, PM 29 Tahun 2014 View Document
049-2016 The issuance of Guidance for Mass Produced Engines 2016 View Document
049-2016 The issuance of Guidance for Mass Produced Engines 2016 View Document
050-2016 Laporan Singkat Sidang Sesi ke-3 dari Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 3) View Document
051-2016 Recommendation on the compliance ECA regulations View Document
052-2016 The implementation scheme of new emission control area - China View Document
053-2016 Laporan Singkat IMO Sub Committe Meeting on Pollution Prevention and Response sesi ke-3 (PPR 3) View Document
054-2016 Summary Report of IMO Meetings of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) 3rd session View Document
055-2016 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Protection Committee 69th Session (MEPC 69) View Document
056-2016 Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Tentang Garis Muat Kapal dan Pemuatan, PM 39 Tahun 2016 View Document
057-2016 The publish of Guidelines for Classification and Construction Domestic ships-Hull. View Document
058-2016 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 96th Session (MSC 96) View Document
059-2016 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS), Non Convention Vessel View Document
060-2016 Penerapan Sistem Managemen Keselamatan Kapal bagi Kapal Penumpang, Kapal Roro Penumpang dan Kapal Perintis yang digunakan sebagai angkutan Lebaran 2016. View Document
061-2016 Implementations of IMO Mandatory Instrument effective from 01 July 2016. View Document
062-2016 Updates on IMO Regulations View Document
063-2016 The compliance to the Regulation of Minister of Transportation of Republic of Indonesia Number PM 29 Year 2014 about Maritime Enviroment Pollution Prevention especially for Oil tanker View Document
064-2016 Summary Report of IMO Meetings of Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instrument (III 3) 3rd session View Document
065-2016 Tokyo MOU, Indian Ocean MOU, and Black Sea MOU 2016 Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Cargo Securing Arrangements View Document
066-2016 Australia New requirements for Ballast Water Management on ships engaged in International Voyage View Document
067-2016 Paris MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 View Document
068-2016 Automatic Identification System (AIS), for Indonesian Flagged Vessels View Document
069-2016 Procedure for implementation of ISPS Code Intermediate verification on ship View Document
070-2016 Summary Report on IMO Sub Committee meeting for 3rd session of Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 3) View Document
071-2016 Approval of law on maritime labour in Indonesia (MLC, 2006) View Document
072-2016 Ballast Water Management Convention will enter into force on 08 September 2017 View Document
073-2016 Extended voluntary application of IMO Ship Identification Number Scheme View Document
074-2016 The issuance of Technical Rules View Document
075-2016 Peraturan teknik BKI yang sudah tidak digunakan (obsolete) View Document
075-2016 The obsolete technical rules of BKI View Document
076-2016 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee 70th Session (MEPC 70) View Document
077-2016 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committe 97th Session (MSC 97) View Document
078-2016 Suspension of Entry into Force of Technical Rules View Document
079-2016 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on 01 January 2017 View Document
081-2017 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 amendments View Document
082-2017 Summary Report on IMO Meetings Of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 4th Session (PPR 4) View Document
083-2017 Laporan Singkat IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction sesi ke-4 (SDC 4) View Document
084-2017 The issuance of Amendement Rules View Document
086-2017 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Ship Systems and Equipment Sub-Committee 4th Session (SSE 4) View Document
087-2017 Implementation of Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) systems for Indonesian-flagged ships View Document
088-2017 Passenger ship certification operated in the cross-border regions (international voyage) View Document
092-2017 The Issuance of Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use Edition 2017 View Document
093-2017 The issuance of Guidelines for Determination of The Energy Efficiency Design Index Edition 2017. View Document
094-2017 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 98th Session (MSC 98) View Document
095-2017 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee 71st Session (MEPC 71) View Document
096-2017 Approval of SOLAS Protocol 88 for Indonesian flagged ships View Document
097-2017 IMO mandatory Instrument taking effect on 1 September 2017 View Document
098-2017 Reduction of Pontoon Freeboard View Document
099-2017 Tokyo MOU and Paris MOU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Safety of Navigation (SOLAS Ch. V) View Document
100-2017 List of certificates and document required to be carried on board ships, 2017 View Document
101-2017 Summary Report on IMO Sub Committee meeting for 4th session of Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 4) View Document
102-2017 Regulation on Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention regarding implementation date of Regulation B-3. View Document
103-2017 Circular Letter on the revised Implementation Schedule of International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (bwm Convention) for Indonesian flag ships. View Document
104-2017 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instrument 4th Session (III 4) View Document
106-2017 Increased Supervision of Ships Certification engaged on International Voyages View Document
107-2017 IMO mandatory Instrument taking effect from 1st January and 1st March 2018 View Document
108-2017 Summary Report on IMO Assembly 30th Session View Document
109-2017 Implementation of SOLAS Protocol 88 and Load Line Protocol 88 in Indonesia View Document
110-2017 Corrigenda of BKI Guidance for FRP and Wooden Fishing Vessel up to 24 m (Pt. 3, Vol. A) View Document
111-2017 The issuance of Guidelines for Ships Intended to Carry Compressed Natural Gases in Bulk, (Pt.1, Vol.10) Edition 2017 View Document
112-2017 Updates on IMO Regulations View Document
113-2018 The issuance of Amendment Rules for Single Point Mooring (Pt. 5, Vol. IX) View Document
114-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I) 2018 Edition and Guidance for Class Notations (Pt.0, Vol. B) 2018 Edition View Document
115-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction 5th Session (SDC 5) View Document
116-2018 Circular Letter on the Oversight for Implementation of Regulation of The Ministry of Transportation on Load Line and Cargo Loading , No. PM 39 Year 2016. View Document
117-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 5th Session (PPR 5) View Document
118-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V) 2018 Edition View Document
119-2018 The Issuance of Technical Guidance for Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W) 2018 Edition View Document
120-2018 The Issuance of Technical Guidance for Calculation of Internal Combustion Engine Crankshaft (Pt.1, Vol.P) 2018 Edition View Document
121-2018 Issuance of Guidelines and Guidance for the Audit and Registration of Safety Management Systems 2017 edition View Document
122-2018 Circular Letter on "Certification and Oversight for Indonesia High Speed Craft" View Document
123-2018 Launching of the Android Application of the "BKI KAMUS NCVS" View Document
124-2018 Supervision Enhancement to Indoneisan Flagged Vessels that Sailing in International Voyages View Document
125-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Ship Systems and Equipment Sub-Committee 5th Session (SSE 5) View Document
126-2018 The issuance of Rules Change Notice No. 1 Rules for Small Vessel Up to 24 M (Pt. 3. Vol. VII) Edition 2013 View Document
127-2018 Delegation of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of Survey and Statutory Certification on behalf on Indonesia Government. View Document
128-2018 The issuance of Guidelines for the Bridge Arrangement and Equipment on Seagoing Ships (Pt.4, Vol.2) View Document
129-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 72) View Document
130-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: (Rules for Hull (Part 1, Vol. II), Rules for Machinery Installation (Part 1, Vol. III), Rules for Electrical Installation (Part 1, Vol. IV) View Document
131-2018 The issuance of Rules Change Notice No.1-Rules for High Speed Craft (Pt. 3, Vol. III) and Rules Change Notice No.1-Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gasses in Bulk (Pt. 1, Vol. IX) View Document
132-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: (Rules for Automations (Pt. 1, Vol. VII), Rules for Refrigerating Installation (Pt. 1, Vol. VIII) View Document
133-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules in Bahasa Indonesia (Peraturan Instalasi Permesinan and Peraturan Instalasi Kelistrikan) View Document
134-2018 The issuance of Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ship View Document
135-2018 Launching of “BKI KAMUS PM 39 2016” Android Application View Document
136-2018 The Issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: Rules for Welding (Pt. 1, Vol. VI) View Document
137-2018 IMO mandatory Instruments taking effect on 1 July 2018 View Document
138-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: Rules for Container Ships (Pt. 1, Vol. XVIII) View Document
139-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting Safety Committee 99th Session (MSC 99) View Document
140-2018 Dokumen Pendukung yang Harus Disertakan Saat Pengiriman Laporan View Document
141-2018 Pemberlakuan Metode Pemeriksaan Survey Poros Baling-baling View Document
142-2018 Prosedur Pengajuan Permohonan dan Pemeriksaan untuk Kapal – Kapal Dengan Notasi ESP View Document
143-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt. 1, Vol. XVII) View Document
145-2018 Corrigenda of Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) and Rules Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Ships (Pt.3, Vol.V) View Document
146-2018 Supporting Documents for Request a Class Maintenance Certificate View Document
147-2018 Summary Report on IMO Sub Committee meeting for 5th session of Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 5) View Document
148-2018 Concentrated Inspection Campaign related to MARPOL ANNEX VI View Document
149-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments 5th Session (III 5) View Document
150-2018 On board Confirmation of Data Collection Plan Compliance View Document
151-2018 Corrigenda Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt. 1, Vol. III) View Document
152-2018 Corrigenda Rules for Floating Docks (Pt. 3, Vol. II) View Document
153-2018 Corrigenda No. 2 Rules for Hull (Pt. 1, Vol. II) Edition 2018 View Document
154-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules: 1. RCN Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I), 2. RCN Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II), 3. RCN Rules for Machinery Installation (Pt.1, Vol.III), 4. RCN Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V) , 5. RCN Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI) , 6. Amendment Rules for Approvals Manufactures and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI). View Document
155-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 73) View Document
156-2018 Modification LCT to Ferry Ro-Ro View Document
157-2018 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2018: Guidelines for Freight Container (Pt. 6, Vol. 8) View Document
158-2018 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 100th session (MSC 100) View Document
159-2018 Entry to Force of the Protocol 1988 relating to The International Convention of Load Line, 1966 View Document
160-2018 Procedure for Appointment of Service Supplier in Case Of Safety Radio Survey on Statutory Survey View Document
161-2019 The issuance of Rules Technical Rules Edition 2018: Guidance for Certification of Undecked FRP Fishing Vessel less than 12 m (Pt. 3, Vol. B), Edition 2018 View Document
162-2019 Issuance of Guidelines for Statutory Survey and Certification 2018 Edition View Document
163-2019 Supporting Documents for Request a Class Maintenance Certificate View Document
164-2019 The issuance of Guidelines Change Notice No.1 - Guidelines for Certification of Loading Computer System View Document
165-2019 Updates on IMO Regulations View Document
166-2019 Guidance on the Development of a Ship Implementation Plan for the Consistent Implementation of the 0,50% Sulphur Limit Under MARPOL Annex VI (MEPC.1/Circ.878) View Document
167-2019 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) 6th sessions View Document
168-2019 The issuance of Technical Rules Editions 2019: Guidance for the Corrosion Protection and Coating Systems (Pt.1, Vol. G) and Guidance for Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt. 1, Vol. W) View Document
169-2019 Enforcement of Statement of Survey View Document
170-2019 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 6th Session (PPR 6) View Document
171-2019 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment 6th Session (SSE 6) View Document
173-2019 Decree of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia on 12 Installation and Activation of Automatic Identification System for Ships engaged in Indonesian Waters, No. PM 7 Year 2019 View Document
174-2019 Implementation Schedule of Ballast Water Management Treatment System (BWMTS) installation View Document
175-2019 The issuance of Technical Rules: 1.Guidance for Sea Trial of Motor Vessels (Pt.1, Vol.B); 2.Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt.1, Vol.Y) View Document
176-2019 Additional DOC and SMC Audit in correction with changes to Company data View Document
177-2019 Approval of Document Safety Management System Manual by Government/Flag Administration View Document
179-2019 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2019: Rules for Floating Dock (Pt.3, Vol.II) View Document
180-2019 The issuance of technical rules edition 2019: Guidance for Class Notations (Pt. 0, Vol. B) View Document
181-2019 New Agreement of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of survey and statutory certification on behalf Indonesian Government View Document
182-2019 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 74) View Document
183-2019 The issuance of Rules Technical Rules Edition 2019: Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III) Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV) Rules for Material (Pt.1, Vol.V) Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI) Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Natural Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX) Rules for Yacht (Pt.3, Vol.IX) Offshore Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I) View Document
184-2019 Summary Report on IMO Meeting Safety Committee 101st Session (MSC 101) View Document
185-2019 Implementation of Regulation of Maritime Cyber in Security in Safety Management Systems of the Ships View Document
186-2019 IMO mandatory Instrument related to maritime safety and security taking effect on 1 January 2020 View Document
187-2019 Ship Recycling for Indonesian flagged ship View Document
188-2019 Circular Letter of the Direction of Shipping and Seafarers Number SE.64/PK/DK/19 Concering Implementation of Compass Adjusment (Compasseren) for Indonesian-Flagged Vessels View Document
189-2019 Alteration of certificate's validity for Manufacturers & Service Supliers and its periodical surveillance View Document
190-2019 Tokyo MOU and Paris MOU 2019 Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Emergency Systems and Procedures View Document
191-2019 SMS Manual Approval by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Directorate of Shipping and Seafarers (DITKAPEL) View Document
192-2019 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2019: - Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Pt.8, Vol.I) - Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Standar Pengukuran Ketebalan Konstruksi Lambung (Pt. 1 , Vol.X) View Document
193-2019 IMO mandatory Instruments related to marine environment protection taking effect on 2020 View Document
194-2019 Circular Letter of the Director General of Sea Transportation Republic of Indonesia Number. SE 35 of 2019 View Document
195-2020 The issuance of RCN No.1-Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt. 5, Vol. I) (Offshore Technology) Edition January 2020 View Document
196-2020 The issuance of Technical Rules Edition 2020: Guidance for Certification of FRP Fishing Vessel less than 12 m (Pt. 3, Vol. B) View Document
200-2020 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 7th Session (PPR 7) View Document
201-2020 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) 7th sessions View Document
202-2020 Circular Letter on Renewal Services for International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) dan Statement of Compliance of A Port Facility (SoCPF) from Indonesian Flag Administration due to Coronavirus View Document
203-2020 Recommendation for scheduling class and statutory certification during coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19) View Document
204-2020 The issuance of Technical Rules (Naval Ship Technology) Edition 2020: Guidelines for Classification and Surveys (Pt.9, Vol.1); Guidelines for Hull Structures and Ship Equipment (Pt.9, Vol.2); Guidelines for Propulsion Plants (Pt.9, Vol.3); Guidelines for Electrical Installations (Pt.9, Vol.4); Guidelines for Naval Ship Materials (Pt.9, Vol.5); Guidelines for Ships Operation Installations and Auxiliary Systems (Pt.9, Vol.6); Guidelines for Automations (Pt.9, Vol.7). View Document
205-2020 Circular Letter on The Use of Electronic Record Book Regarding Marine Prevention Pollution for ships Flying Indonesian Flag (SE.10 Tahun 2020) View Document
206-2020 The issuance of Rules Change Notice for Rules for Small Vessel up to 24 m (Pt.3, Vol. VII) View Document
207-2020 Circular Letter on the Development of Application Procedure of Ships Safety Management System for Address the Dissemination of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Ships Flying Indonesian Flag (SE 14 Year 2020) View Document
208-2020 Circular Letter on Extension of The Statutory Certificate’s validity period or endorsement as well as The Re-Inspection of Life Saving Appliances (LSA) and Fire Fighting Appliance (FFA) for Indonesian-Flagged Ships due to Emergency Status of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (SE 16 Year 2020) View Document
209-2020 The Issuance of Technical Rules: Guidance Change Notice (GCN) No. 1 Guidance for Class Notations (Pt.0, Vol.B) Edition May 2020 View Document
210-2020 New Agreement of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of suvey and statutory certification on behalf of Indonesian Government View Document
211-2020 IMO mandatory Instrumens taking effect in March to December 2020 View Document
212-2020 The implementation of Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) Program and Designation of SOx Emission Control Area (ECA) - Republik of Korea View Document
213-2020 Renewal Services for International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) and Statement of Compliance of A Port Facility (SoCPF) in accordance with Circular Letter of Director General of Sea Transportation No. SE.24 Year 2020 View Document
214-2020 The issuance of Rules Technical Rules Edition 2020: Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt. 1, Vol. Y) View Document
215-2020 Assessment Implementation for Manufacturers and Service Supplier during Emergency Situation of COVID-19 View Document
216-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: RCN No.1-July 2020 Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); RCN No.1-July 2020 Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); RCN No.1-July 2020 Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI) View Document
217-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: RCN No.1-July 2020 Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); RCN No.1-July 2020 Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); Rules for Patrol Boats (Pt.3, Vol.XI) View Document
218-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: Guidelines for Medical Hyperbaric Chamber Facilities (Pt.10, Vol.1); Guidelines for Offshore Concrete Structures (Pt.10, Vol.2) View Document
219-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: Rules for Crew Boats (Pt.3, Vol.X) View Document
220-2020 Circular Letter on the Development of Procedure for Ship's Safety Management System to Address Maritime Cyber Risk Management View Document
221-2020 The Issuance of Technical Rules 2020 Edition: Petunjuk Konstruksi dan Fasilitas Pelabuhan (Pt. 10, Vol. A) View Document
222-2020 Corrigenda No.1, Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Pt. 8, Vol. I) 2019 edition View Document
223-2020 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 102nd Session (MSC 102) View Document
224-2020 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) View Document
225-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: Guidelines for Loading Gear on Seagoing Ships and Offshore Installations (Pt.4, Vol.3); and Guidelines for Maintenance of Safety Equipment (Pt.6, Vol.10) View Document
226-2020 The Issuance of Classification Rules 2020 Edition: RCN No.2-Dec 2020 Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); RCN No.1-Dec 2020 Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV; Rules for Ship Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX); Rules for Approval Manufactures and Service Supplier (Pt.1, Vol.XI); Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII); Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI); and Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W) View Document
227-2020 IMO mandatory Instruments related to marine environment protection taking effect on January – June 2021 View Document
228-2020 The issuance of Classification Rules 2020 edition: Guidelines for Autonomous Ship (Pt.3, Vol.1); GCN No.1-December 2020 Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt.1, Vol.Y) View Document
229-2020 Implications on the amendments to the MARPOL 73/78 Annex II and IBC Code entering into force on 1 January 2021 View Document
230-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules 2021 Consolidated Edition: Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I); Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI); Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I); Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt. 1, Vol.Y) View Document
231-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules 2021 Consolidated Edition: Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); Rules for High Speed Craft (Pt.3, Vol.III); Rules for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Ships (Pt.3, Vol.V); Rules for Small Vessel up to 24 m (Pt.3, Vol.VII) View Document
232-2021 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 8th Session (PPR 8) View Document
233-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules: - Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing (Pt.1, Vol.12); - GCN No. 1 - Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W); - GCN No. 1 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt.1, Vol.Y); - Corrigenda No. 1 - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII). View Document
234-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules 2021 edition: RCN No.1-Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); RCN No.1-Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); RCN No.1-Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); RCN No.1-Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); RCN No.1-Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI); RCN No.1-Rules for Approval Manufacturers and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI); RCN No.1-Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII) View Document
235-2021 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 103rd Session (MSC 103) View Document
236-2021 IMO mandatory Instruments taking effect on June - December 2021 View Document
237-2021 New Agreement of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of survey and statutory certification on behalf of Indonesian Government. View Document
238-2021 Summary Report on 76th Session of the IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) View Document
239-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules 2021 Edition:: -Guidelines for Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminals (Pt.5, Vol.2); -Guidelines for Floating Production Installations (Pt.5, Vol.3) View Document
240-2021 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) between Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU focusing on Ship’s Stability (In general) View Document
241-2021 Circular Letter No. SE. 4 of 2021 regarding the Online Verification of the Security Management of Indonesian Flag Ships International Voyage During a Pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID – 19) View Document
242-2021 Publishing of Corrigenda No.1 - Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I) 2021 Edition View Document
243-2021 Surat Edaran mengenai Pengembangan Prosedur Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Kapal Penyeberangan Guna Penanganan Resiko Pada Sistem Jaringan Maya ( Cyber Risk Management) View Document
244-2021 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 104th Session (MSC 104) View Document
245-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules: -Guidance for Class Notation (Pt.0, Vol.B) 2021; -GCN No.1 2021 Guidelines for the Use of Gas as Fuel for Ships (Pt.1, Vol.1); -GCN No.2 2021 - Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W); -GCN No.2 2021 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt.1, Vol.Y); -Guidelines for Certification of Loading Computer System (Pt.4 Vol.1) 2021; -GCN No. 1 2021 - Guidelines for the Bridge Arrangement and Equipment on Seagoing Ships (Pt.4, Vol.2). View Document
246-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules: -RCN No.2 2021-Rules For Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); -RCN No.2 2021-Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); -RCN No.2 2021-Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); -RCN No.1 2021-Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); -RCN No.2 2021-Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI); -RCN No.1 2021-Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX); -RCN No.2 2021-Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII); -RCN No.1 2021-Rules for Classification And Surveys (Pt.5, Vol.I); -RCN No.1 2021-Rules f6r Mobile Offshore Units (Pt.5, Vol.VI); -PPP No.1 2021-Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Pt.8, Vol.I). View Document
247-2021 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on January – June 2022 View Document
248-2021 Summary Report on 77th Session of the IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 77) View Document
249-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules: Guidelines for Maritime Cybersecurity (Pt.4, Vol.4) 2021 View Document
250-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules: RCN No. 2 - Rules for Approval of Manufacturers and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI) View Document
251-2021 The issuance of Classification Rules 2021 Consolidated Edition: - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII) View Document
252-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) 8th sessions View Document
253-2022 The issuance of 15 Classification Rules (Rules for Classification & Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX) Consolidated Edition 2022; Rules for Approval Manufacturers and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI) Consolidated Edition 2022; Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials & Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W) Consolidated Edition 2022; Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt.1, Vol.Y) Consolidated Edition 2022; Guidance for FRP and Wooden Fishing Vessel up to 24 m (Pt.3, Vol.A) Consolidated Edition 2022; Guidelines for the Bridge Arrangement and Eq View Document
254-2022 Additional requirements for commissioning test of Ballast Water Management Treatment System (BWMTS) in accordance with BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1 View Document
255-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: - Guidelines for Aquaculture (Pt.5, Vol.4) 2022 View Document
256-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules 2022 Edition: - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII) View Document
257-2022 The issuance of Amendment Classification Rules 2022 Edition: -Corrigenda No.1, Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX) View Document
258-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) 8th sessions View Document
259-2022 The requirement of EEXI under MARPOL ANNEX VI View Document
260-2022 Fuel Consumption (Data Colllection System) online reporting for Indonesian Flagged Ship View Document
261-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: -Guidelines for the Use of Gas as Fuel for Ships (Pt.1, Vol.1) 2022; -GCN No.1 2022 - Guidance for the Corrosion Protection (Pt.1 Vol.G); -GCN No.1 2022 - Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Material & Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W); -GCN No.1 2022 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretations (Pt.1, Vol.Y) View Document
262-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 9th Session (PPR 9) View Document
263-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: -RCN No. 1 2022 - Rules for Hull (Pt. 1, Vol. II); -RCN No. 1 2022 - Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt. 1, Vol. III); -RCN No. 1 2022 - Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt. 1, Vol. IV); -RCN No. 1 2022 - Rules for Materials (Pt. 1, Vol. V); -RCN No. 1 2022 - Rules for Welding (Pt. 1, Vol. VI); -RCN No. 1 2022 - Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII). View Document
264-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 105th Session (MSC 105) View Document
265-2022 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on July – Dec 2022 View Document
266-2022 Summary Report on 78th Session of the IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 78) View Document
267-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII) Consolidated Edition 2022 View Document
268-2022 New Agreement of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of survey and statutory certification on behalf of Indonesian Government View Document
269-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: GCN No.1 2022 - Guidance for Class Notation (Pt.0, Vol.B). View Document
270-2022 Update list of application service providers authorized to conduct conformance tests and issue LRIT conformance test reports on behalf of Government of Republic Indonesia for Indonesian flagged ships View Document
271-2022 The issuance of amendment Classification Rules: Rules for High Speed Craft (Pt.3, Vol.III) 2022 New Edition View Document
272-2022 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) between Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU focusing on STCW View Document
273-2022 The lssuance of Guidelines for the Preparation of Port State Control lnspections (For Ship Owner) (Pt. 6 Vol. 9) 2022 View Document
274-2022 The issuance of BKI Rules in Bahasa: -Peraturan Klasifikasi dan Survei (Bag.1, Vol.I) Edisi Konsolidasi 2022; -Peraturan Lambung (Bag.1, Vol.II) Edisi Konsolidasi 2022; -Peraturan lnstalasi Mesin (Bag.1, Vol.III) Edisi Konsolidasi 2022; -Peraturan Pengelasan (Bag.1, Vol.VI) Edisi Konsolidasi 2022. View Document
275-2022 The requirement of SEEMP PART III and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) under MARPOL ANNEX VI View Document
276-2022 List of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships, 2022 View Document
277-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC) 8th sessions View Document
278-2022 The issuance of a New Classification Rules: Guidelines for Shiplift and Transfer Systems (Pt.4, Vol.5) 2022 Edition View Document
279-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: -GCN No. 1 2022 - Guidelines for the Bridge Arrangement and Equipment on Seagoing Ships (Pt.4, Vol.2); -GCN No. 2 2022 - Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W); -GCN No. 2 2022 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt.1, Vol.Y). View Document
280-2022 The issuance of Classification Rules: -RCN No.1 2022 - Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I); -RCN No.2 2022 - Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); -RCN No.2 2022 - Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); -RCN No.2 2022 - Rules for Electrical Installations (P.1, Vol.IV); -RCN No.2 2022 - Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); -RCN No.1 2022 - Rules for Approval of Manufactures and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI); -RCN No.1 2022 - Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII); -RCN No.1 2022 - Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I); -RCN No.1 2022 - Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI). View Document
281-2022 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 106th Session (MSC 106) View Document
282-2022 Summary Report on 79th Session of the IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) View Document
283-2023 The issuance of Classification Rules: -Pedoman Kapal Sungai dan Danau (Bag.8, Vol.1) Edisi Baru 2022; -GCN No.2 2022- Guidance for Class Notations (Pt.0, Vol.B). View Document
284-2023 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on January – June 2023 View Document
285-2023 Requirements for biofouling management when operating vessels in Australian and New Zealand territorial waters View Document
286-2023 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction 9th Session (SDC 9) View Document
287-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: Corrigenda No.1 2023 - Rules for Mobile Offshore Units (Pt.5, VOl.VI) View Document
288-2023 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment 9th Session (SSE 9) View Document
289-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - GCN No.2 April 2023-Guidance for the Corrosion Protection (Pt.1, Vol.G); - GCN No.3 April 2023-Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials & Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol. W); - GCN No.3 April 2023-Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt.1, Vol. Y); - GCN No. 1 April 2023-Guidelines for Certification of Loading Computer System (Pt.4, Vol 1); - New 2023-Guidance for Design Wave Load on Ship Structures (Pt.1, Vol.AA); - New 2023-Guidance for Sloshing Assessment (Pt.1, Vol.AB). View Document
290-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - RCN No.2 April 2023 - Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); - RCN No.3 April 2023 - Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); - RCN No.3 April 2023 - Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt. 1, Vol.III); - RCN No.3 April 2023 - Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); - RCN No.3 April 2023 - Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); - NE 2023 - Rules for Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.X); - RCN No.2 April 2023 - Rules for Approval of Manufactures and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI); - RCN No.2 April 2023 - CSR Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII); - RCN No.1 April 2023 - Rules for Container Ships (Pt.1, Vol.XVIII); - RCN No.1 April 2023 - Rules for High Speed Craft (Pt.3, Vol.III); - NE 2023 - Peraturan Kapal Kayu (Pt. 3, Vol. VI). View Document
291-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - New 2023 - Guidance on Review and Approval of Novel Design (Pt.1, Vol.Z); - New 2023 - Petunjuk Penilaian Risiko Kapal Domestik (Bag.8, Vol.A). View Document
292-2023 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 10th Session (PPR 10) View Document
293-2023 Implementation of ASSPRO (Assisted Propulsion) class notation for self propulsion vessel carrying oil or chemical in bulk will enter into force on 01 September 2023 View Document
294-2023 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on Jully - December 2023 View Document
295-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: New 2023 - Guidance for Marine Industry (Pt.1, Vol.AC) View Document
296-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: Consolidated Edition 2023 - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt. 1 Vol. XVII) View Document
297-2023 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Maritime Safety Committee 107th Session (MSC 107) View Document
298-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules New 2023 - Rules for Mobile Offshore Units (Pt.5, Vol. VI) View Document
299-2023 Summary Report on 80th Session of the IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) View Document
300-2023 New Agreement of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) to carry out of survey and statutory certification on behalf of Indonesian Government View Document
301-2023 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) between Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU focusing on Fire Safety View Document
302-2023 The issuance of Amendment Classification Rules: - Corrigenda No.1 2023 - Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI) View Document
303-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - GCN No.4 2023 - Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol. W); - GCN No.4 2023 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt.1, Vol. Y). View Document
304-2023 The issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - RCN No.3 2023- Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); - RCN No.2 2023- Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.5, Vol.I); - RCN No.4 2023- Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); - RCN No.4 2023- Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); - RCN No.4 2023- Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); - RCN No.4 2023- Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol. V); - RCN No.1 2023- Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX). View Document
305-2023 Laporan Singkat IMO Meeting Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 9) View Document
306-2023 The issuance of a New Edition Classification Rules: - Guidelines for the Use of Gas or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels for Ships (Pt.1, Vol.1 ), 2024 Edition View Document
307-2023 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on January - June 2024 View Document
308-2023 The issuance of new rules regarding the use of polyethylene materials for hull structure of vessels View Document
309-2023 The Publication of Guidelines for Determination of the Energy Efficiency Design Index 2023 Edition View Document
310-2023 Classification Rules Update: Guidance for Class Notations (Pt.0, Vol.B) New Edition 2023 View Document
311-2023 Notice of Classification Rules that are no longer maintained (obsolete): -Rules for Offshore Mooring Chains (Pt.5, Vol.VIII); -Petunjuk Masuk Ruang Tertutup (Pt.0, Vol.A); -Guidance for Mass Produced Engines (Pt.1, Vol.K). View Document
312-2024 The Issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - CE 2024 - Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.1, Vol.I); - CE 2024 - Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); - CE 2024 - Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); - CE 2024 - Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); - CE 2024 - Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol.V); - CE 2024 - Rules for Welding (Pt.1, Vol.VI); - CE 2024 - Rules for Automations (Pt.1,Vol.VII); - CE 2024 - Rules for Classification and Surveys (Pt.5, Vol.I). View Document
314-2024 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction 10th Session (SDC 10) View Document
315-2024 The Issuance of New Edition 2024 Guidance for the Design, Construction and Testing of Pumps (Pt.1 Vol.v) View Document
316-2024 Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response 11th Session (PPR 11) View Document
317-2024 The Issuance of Establishment New Guidance for Life Extension of Floating Production Installations (Pt.5, Vol.D) View Document
319-2024 Application of IACS PR37 Rev.3 View Document
321-2024 The Issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - NE July 2024 - Guidelines for The Use of Gas or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels for Ships (Pt.1, Vol.1); - GCN No.5 April 2024 - Guidance for The Approval and Type Approval of Materials & Equipment for Marine Use (Pt.1, Vol.W); - GCN No.5 April 2024 - Guidance for Code and Convention Interpretation (Pt.1, Vol.Y); - NE July 2024 - Guidance for Marine Industry (Pt.1, Vol.AC) View Document
322-2024 The Issuance of Amendments Classification Rules: - NE July 2024 Rules for Classification and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I); - NE July 2024 Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II); - NE July 2024 Rules for Machinery Installations (Pt.1, Vol.III); - NE July 2024 Rules for Electrical Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV); - NE July 2024 Rules for Materials (Pt.1, Vol. V); - RCN No.2 May 2024 Rules for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.IX); - RCN No.3 May 2024 Rules for Approval of Manufacturers and Service Suppliers (Pt.1, Vol.XI); - NE July 2024 Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1 Vol. XVII); - NE July 2024 Rules for Container Ships (Pt.1, Vol.XVIII). View Document
325-2024 Implementation of provisions changing the range of service on barge equipped with self propulsion carrying oil or chemical in bulk View Document
326-2024 The Issuance of Establishment New Guidelines for Ship Recycling Facilities (Pt.1, Vol.13) View Document
327-2024 IMO Mandatory Instruments taking effect on July - December 2024 View Document
328-2024 The Issuance of Establishment New Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Carrier (Pt.1, Vol.14) View Document
331-2024 Inclusion Of Material Type Grade On The Construction Drawings View Document
332-2024 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) between Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU focusing on Crew Wages and Seafarers’ employment agreements (MLC) View Document
333-2024 The Issuance of Amendment CE 2024 - Rules for Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker (Pt.1, Vol.XVII) View Document