Product Certification

Product certification is required if it is stated in the BKI Regulations that the product to be installed must be certified (eg engine, shaft, propeller, steering gear, windlass, etc.) prior to installation. Product certification is carried out to ensure the quality of the products to be used meet the standards.

Material / Product Certification Procedure

Documents/Data to be submitted

  1. Relevant technical drawing as per specific product requirement stated in the BKI Rules
  2. Diagram as per specific product requirement stated in the BKI Rules
  3. Calculation (if any)
  4. Welding detail (if any)
  5. Material specification, mill certificate

Application Form

Information for Company Approval and Product Certification

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Jl. Yos Sudarso 38-40 Tanjung Priok, Jakarta - 14320

Phone Number

+6221 4301017