Page 51 - Jurnal Teknik BKI Propulsi :Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifikasi Indonesia
P. 51

Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifkasi Indonesia

Floating Terminals designed and reviewed to the FLNGT
Hull Construction Guidelines are to comply with the requirements of the OHCM
Monitoring Program
Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program.

R e - gasifica tion For Floating terminals that equipped a Re-gasification (LNG)R
Facilities facilities which classed by BKI.

For self-propelled floating terminals that have Machinery
Machinery systems system which complies with the requirements of the BKI E SM
rules and guidelines during construction and installation.

Temporary Mooring For self-propelled floating terminals that equipped TMOOR
Equipment temporary mooring equipment when requested by owner

1. always followed with E SM at the end
2. example, (S 100) NATUNA, where "100" means that the terminal is reviewed for 100 years design return period in
Natuna feld.
3. For simplified fatigue analysis
4. For spectral fatigue analysis

Drydocking Surveys or equivalent IW are to be carried out 3.4 bar (3.5 kgf/cm2, 50 Psi), are to be surveyed two times in
twice in any fve-year period, with an interval not exceeding any five-year period, with an interval not exceeding three (3)
three (3) years. Consideration may be given for extensions of years between Boiler Surveys. Consideration may be given for
drydocking or IW due dates under special circumstances. An extensions of Rule-required Boiler Surveys. The extension may
underwater inspection by competent diver(s) may be required be granted by the Surveyor, provided a survey is carried out
for such extensions. An approved IW may be considered in accordance with Part 1 Seagoing ships, Volume I Section
equivalent to an out-of-water drydocking for terminals up to 3, B.
and including Special Periodical Survey No. 4 or twenty (20)
years of age, whichever is reached earlier. For each drydocking A Tailshaft or Tubeshaft Survey of self-propelled terminals
or equivalent IW after Special Periodical Survey No. 4, requests are to be carried out at intervals defned in Part 1 Volume
to conduct an IW in accordance with previously approved I Section 3, B.1.4. However, due to low running hours, this
plans are to be submitted for consideration well in advance interval may be extended. For details, refer to B.3.3.
of the proposed survey (BKI FPI Guideline, 2012). Approvals
to conduct the IW after Special Periodical Survey No. 4 are
to be made available onboard for the Surveyor’s reference.
5. Structural Design Requirement
Where the terminal’s self-propulsion system is classed with This Guideline addresses the structural design of floating
the notation ✠SM, it would be treated similarly to a trading offshore membrane or independent prismatic tank liquefied
liquefied gas carrier. For these terminals, the Drydocking gas terminals with ship-shaped or barge-shaped hull forms
Survey is to comply with the requirements stated in Part having single center cargo tanks or two cargo tanks abreast
1 Seagoing Ship, Volume I, Section 3, B.1.6. IW will not be that are arranged along the centerline of the terminal’s hull.
considered equivalent to an out-of-water Drydocking Survey In view of the similarity of hull structure, this Guideline has
when carried out concurrent with the Special Periodical Survey some cross-references to the general requirements for hull
- Hull (BKI, Part 1 Volume 1, 2012). construction in the particular requirements in BKI Part I Seagoing

Ship Volume IX, for vessels intended to carry liquefied gases
Where provided, Boiler Surveys of main propulsion boilers in bulk (BKI Part 1 Volume IX, 2005).
are to be carried out at intervals defned in BKI Rules Part
1 Seagoing Ship, Volume I Section 3, B.1.5.2. Waste-heat or
fred auxiliary boilers intended for working pressures above

Jurnal Teknik BKI 51
Edisi 01- Juni 2014
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