Page 53 - Jurnal Teknik BKI Propulsi :Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifikasi Indonesia
P. 53

Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifkasi Indonesia

TABLE 3. Criteria of Safety

Failure Mode Criteria Referensi

The calculated stress intensities are not to be greater than
Material Yielding Section 5, E.2
the yielding state limit (including cargo containment)
For each individual member, plate or stiffened panel, the Section 5, D.2.9
Buckling & Ultimate Strength buckling and ultimate strength is to be in compliance with
the requirements in this guideline. Section 5, E.3

The fatigue strength of structural details and welded joints
Fatigue Section 5, E.4
in highly stressed regions is to be analyzed.

The hull girder ultimate longitudinal bending capacities for
Hull Girder Ultimate strength Annex 4
either hogging or sagging conditions are to be evaluated.

6. Process Facilities For Classification purposes, whichever of the process sys-
tems are employed, the facilities are to be in place so that
Where process facilities are included within scope of class the entire operation can be carried out safely. Accordingly,
which is not afxed by T notation, the facilities installed in order to carry out an assessment of the system, the plans
onboard are subject to requirement of this guideline. Pro- and calculations are required to be submitted (see Section
cess facilities covers the facilities used for processing raw 2, I.4 of the guideline for detail). BKI may require additional
gas from the well(s), bringing partially processed gas from information depending on the systems used and their con-
another installation, liquefaction system, re-gasification sys- fguration. The evaluation by BKI will include a systematic
tem, the entire installation including the import and export consideration of arrangements, layouts, process systems,
system. Where processing facilities are not include within process support systems, process controls and safety sys-
the scope of class, requirement contained relating to the tems as well as a review of all safety critical equipment.
safety of the terminal in the guideline will be considered
wiyhin scope of class such as the following systems will be
subject to approval by BKI:
a) Interface to the Fire Extinguishing system
b) Hazardous areas

c) Gas disposal system (venting and relief)

Jurnal Teknik BKI 53
Edisi 01- Juni 2014
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