Page 48 - Jurnal Teknik BKI Propulsi :Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifikasi Indonesia
P. 48

Since 2003 to 2012, the growth of domestic gas demand to be liquefaction facility and stored for offloading as liquefied gas
increased an average of 9% per year due to government policy to a trading liquefied gas carrier. Alternatively, a Load Terminal
to increase the use of gas until 2025. The major programs in may receive liquefied gas from a liquefaction plant via a
the government’s blueprint for national energy management pipeline. A Discharge Terminal (i.e. FSRU) receives liquefied
2006-2025 is an increase in domestic gas utilization consisting gas from trading liquefied gas carriers and stores it. In such
of improvement and development of gas supply infrastructure terminals, the stored liquefied gas is normally vaporized in
and development utilization of CNG, GTL, DME, LPG and Gas a re-gasifcation facility and discharged ashore. However,
City. Infrastructures that will be developed include pipeline offloading liquefied gas in a lightering operation is also feasible.
and construction of the FSRU for distribution of gas. The
Indonesia currently has three unit of FSRU: 2.2. Aplication of Guideline
This Guide contains provisions for the classification of new
• Eas Java FSRU by Nusantara Regas with 3 MTPA capacity.
build floating offshore liquefied gas terminals. This Guide
• Lampung FSRU by PGN with 3 MTPA capacity. is intended for use in conjunction with the Seagoing Ship
Part.1 and Offshore Technology Part.6 or other applicable
• Arun Regasification by Pertamina with 1.5 MTPA capacity. BKI Rules and Guidelines.

On the other hand, increase exploration activities for Gas are
also included in the government’s blueprint
for national energy management 2006-2025
main programs. Today, Indonesian government
in cooperation with INPEX Masela is preparing
for construction FLNG Masela used in gas
exploration in Masela gas field.

BKI as the national classifcation has an important
role in the implementation of major government
programs mentioned above especially to build
and classificate FSRU and FLNG. Therefore the
BKI has prepared Guideline for Floating Liquefied
Gas Terminals (FLGT) to cover development of Fig.2. FSRU type of discharge terminal
FLNG and FSRU that will be introduced through
this publication.

2. Introduction BKI Guideline for FLGT

2.1. Defnition of FLGT

A Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminal provides liquefied
gas storage and receives and/or offloads liquefied gas. There
are two major variations of offshore liquefied gas terminal:
Load Terminals and Discharge Terminals, with various
confgurations of each.

A Load Terminal receives gas directly from one or more wells
Fig.3. FLNG/FPSO LNG type of loading terminal
or from another offshore facility where it may or may not
have been processed. The gas is liquefied in an onboard

48 Jurnal Teknik BKI
Edisi 01 - Juni 2014
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