Page 47 - Jurnal Teknik BKI Propulsi :Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifikasi Indonesia
P. 47

Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifkasi Indonesia


Ahmad Zakky in early 2000s . However, LNG plant cost has increased in the last
few years and cost overrun and delay are common experience
• An Analyst of Research and
Development Department, for conventional onshore LNG projects. Floating Liquefed Gas
PT. BKI (Persero) Terminal (FLGT) include FSRU is the new technology which is an
• Email: important development for the LNG industry as it reduces both
the project costs and environmental footprint. Today, Indonesian
government in cooperation with INPEX Masela is preparing for
construction FLNG Masela used in gas exploration in Masela gas

Abstract feld. This paper will introduce the Guideline for Classifcation and
Construction Floating Liquefed Gas Terminal which is launched
Natural gas will be the fastest growing major fuel through by BKI as classifcation society which classifying FLNG Masela
2030 because of its environmental benefts, large resource base by dual class with ABS.
and fexibility as an efcient fuel. For efciency production, the
reduction in liquefaction costs was a key driver of the LNG boom Key words: LNG, FLNG, FSRU, Liquefed, Gas.

1. Background

According to the IEA WEO2010 data, world primary energy 2008). However, LNG plant cost has increased in the last few
demand increases by 36% between 2008 and 2035, or 1.2% years and cost overrun and delay are common experience
per year on average. This compares with 2% per year over the for conventional onshore LNG projects. Floating Liquefied
previous 27-year period. Natural gas will be the fastest growing Gas Terminal (FLGT) include FSRU is the new technology
major fuel through 2030 because of its environmental benefts, which is an important development for the LNG industry as it
large resource base and flexibility as an efficient fuel (Flex LNG, reduces both the project costs and environmental footprint.

Source: IEA WEO2010(New Policies Scenario)

Fig 1. World primary energy demand

Jurnal Teknik BKI 47
Edisi 01- Juni 2014
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