Page 49 - Jurnal Teknik BKI Propulsi :Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifikasi Indonesia
P. 49

Penggerak Informasi Teknik Jasa Klasifkasi Indonesia

3. Classifcation For floating terminals designed for liquefied gases other than
LNG or LPG, the class notations will indicate in parentheses
3.1. Notation of Classifcation the specifc product.
Floating offshore liquefied gas terminals (FLGT) that have
been built, installed and commissioned fully complies of
this Guidelines and satisfaction of the BKI Surveyors to the 4. Survey for Certifcation
full requirements, where approved by the BKI HO for service
for the specifed design environmental conditions, may be 4.1. Survey During Cosntruction
classed and distinguished in the BKI Register by the symbol
E A100, followed by Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminal and the During construction of equipment components for an offshore
appropriate notation for the intended service listed below: liquefied gas terminal, the attending Surveyor is to have
access to vendors’ facilities to witness construction and/or
Class notations were chosen to provide a clear description testing, as required by this Guidelines. The vendor is to contact
of the function of each confguration using the following the attending Surveyor to make necessary arrangements. If
symbols: the attending Surveyor fnds reason to recommend repairs
or additional surveys, notice will be immediately given to
F Floating the Owner or Owner’s Representative so that appropriate
action may be taken. Coordination of the vendors’ certification
L Liquefaction Facility program is carried out through BKI’s Vendor Coordinators.

O Transfer of Liquefied Gas (Offloading/ Loading) 4.2. Periodical Survey

P Gas Processing Facility An Annual Survey of the terminal is to be carried out within
three (3) months before or after each annual anniversary date
R Re-Gasification Facility of the crediting of the previous Special Periodical Survey or
original construction date.
S Storage Facility
For terminals on Continuous Survey, all Continuous Survey
T Terminal with processing facilities which requirements for those parts (items) due are generally to be
are not classed completed each year. The Annual Survey will not be credited
and the Certificate of Classification will not be endorsed unless
For floating terminals designed for LPG or combined LNG/ Continuous Survey items which are due or overdue at the
LPG, the class notations are, respectively:
time of the Annual Survey are either completed or granted
F (LPG) PLSO, F (LPG) ORS, F (LPG) SO, and F (LPG) T an extension. An Intermediate Survey of the terminal is to be
carried out either at or between the second and third Annual
F (LNG/LPG) PLSO, F (LNG/LPG) ORS, F (LNG/LPG) SO, and Survey after Special Periodical Survey No. 1 and subsequent
F (LNG/LPG) T Special Periodical Surveys. A Special Periodical Survey of the

TABLE 1. Floating Terminal Configuration

Import Min. System
Gas Position and Risers and
Structure Structure Storage Liquefaction Gasifcation Compliance
Processing Mooring Export Flow Lines
System Required
F(LNG) PLSO X X X X - X X Optional X

F(LNG) ORS X X - - X X X Optional X
F(LNG) SO X X - - - X X Optional X

F(LNG)T X X - - - X X - X

Jurnal Teknik BKI 49
Edisi 01- Juni 2014
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