PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia(Persero) or BKI was established at July, 1st 1964 with name PN. Klasifikasi Indonesia based on PP 28 year 1964 and the one and only Indonesia classification agency that assigned by Indonesia Goverment according on Transportation Minister's Decision No. Th. 1/17/2 date September, 26th 1964 about regulation of operation of the Indonesia flaged ship to get Ship Classification Certificate that was issued by BKI. Then according to PP No. 1 year 1997.

Due to the increase of activity and development on the Classification field in BKI that was have very good prospect, so to increase the bussiness aspect, since 1977 trough Goverment Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) PP No. 1 PN. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia changed status to PT. (Persero) Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. Article of Association PT. (Pesero) Biro Kasifikasi Indonesia was made in front of the notary Imas Fatimah, SH with certificate number: 57 date on October, 19th 1987 and has approved by the Minister of Justice of Indonesia Republic with decree Number : Y.A. 5/345/1987 date on November, 7th 1987 and announced on the National Gazzete Number : 58 Year 1979.

Articles of Association of companies have been amended, with Notarial Deed Imah Fatimah, SH Number: 180 date on November, 30th 1984 and Number: 110 date on July, 26th 1985 about "Statemen of Meeting and Articles of Association Result" by changed name of Klasifikasi Indonesia become PT. (Persero) Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. This changed was approved by Minister of Justice of the Indonesia Republic with decree Number: C.2-5322HT.01.04 year 1985 date on August, 24th 1985 and announced on the National Gazzete Number 97 Date on December, 3th 1985. According the statue (UU) No. 1 year 1995 about company, the Article of Association PT. (persero) Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia changed with the Deed of the Statement of Meeting dated on March, 12th 1995 that made upfront the notary Neneng Salmiah, SH, Mhum.

The next change of Articles of Association is appropriate between the legalization of Minister of Justice of the Indonesia Republic and decree number C2-20.099 HT01.04 year 1998 date on October, 15th 1998 that made by Notary Neneng Salmiah, SH, Mhum. and announced on the National Gazzete Number 35 date on April, 30th 1999 and the change of Articles of Association approved by Minister of Justice and Human Right with certificate number C-10342, HT.01.04. on 2003 at Mei, 9th that have made by the Notary Neneng Salmiah, SH, M.Hum and announced on the National Gazzete of the Indonesia Republic Number: 11 date on March, 14th 2003

Funding Source of Partnership Program:

  1. Maximal 2 % (two percent) of companiy profit based on Shareholder General Meeting and charged as company cost.
  2. Return the loan and administrartion service loan/margin/profit sharing, deposit and giro services from Partnership Program cost.
  3. Delegation of Partnership program cost from other BUMN Companies.
  4. The amount of funds allocated to the partnership set in General Meeting of Shareholders


Information of distribution method of the Partnership Program and Community Development:

Distribution of Partnership Program:

  1. Lending to finance for work capital or provision of fixed to increase the productivity and sales.
  2. Special lending to finance the funding need to bussiness activity the partners that are short term to fill orders from the partners.
  3. Partnership funding that can be distributed as a agrant, maximum amount is 20% from the Partnership Program that distributed on the year, that is use to:
    1. Education
    2. Training
    3. Internship
    4. Marketing
    5. Promotion
    6. And other things that correlated with the effort to incresa partner productivity


Fund Lending of Partnership Program:

  1. The partners candidate can apply for a loan by filling out the form that provided by PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero), then submit it to BUMN adviser to do field survey and evaluation.
  2. The distribution of lending fund is directly delivered to Small Bussiness and Cooperative based on the result of field survey and evaluation of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero).
  3. Each of distribution is based on the letter of agreement which contains the right and obligation of it and signed by person in chargde of the partners and Director of PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as PKBL builder.
  4. Plafond of development lending fund to Small Bussiness and Cooperative is given maximum amount of Rp. 50.000.000 and minimal Rp. 5.000.000, while for Cluster or Group maximum amount of Rp.,- and minimal Rp. 100.000.000,- with the maximum term of loan about 3 (three) years.


General condition of loan recipeint is a small bussiness that meet the predetermined criteria, while the procedures of loan application can be explained as follows:

  1. Fill the loan application form
  2. Submit the loan application form that have been filled and accompanied with the completness of addministration files, that can be explained as follows:



  1. Copy of Bussiness Certificate and Domicile Certificate from the local urban / rural
  2. Copy of ID Card (KTP) and Family Card of applicant and successor (1 sheet of each)
  3. 4x6 size photos of each applicant and successor (1 photo of each)
  4. 3 different sheet of photo of product, photo of bussiness place, photo of bussiness activity and photo of residence
  5. Residence location map and transportation route
  6. Bussiness Place location map and transportation route
  7. Copy of Saving Books
  8. Form that has been signed by applicant and successor



  1. Copy Bussiness Establishment Certificate
  2. Copy of valid bussiness certificate (SIUP, SITU, TDP)
  3. Copy of tax number (NPWP)
  4. Copy of Bussiness Certificate and Domicile Certificate from the local urban / rural
  5. Copy of ID Card (KTP) and Family Card of applicant and successor (1 sheet of each)
  6. 4x6 size photos of each applicant and successor (1 photo of each)
  7. Photo of product, photo of bussiness place, photo of bussiness activity and photo of residence (3 different sheet)
  8. Residence location map and transportation route
  9. Bussiness Place location map and transportation route
  10. Copy of Saving Books / Newspaper account last 3 mounth
  11. Form that has been signed by applicant and successor
  12. For Cooperative, form must be signed by the chairman and be attached of letter of authorization from the board and supervisor with stamp



  1. Administration Requirement Selection
  2. Survey the location and applican residence
  3. Conducting feasibility analysis of lending based on the result of survey of bussiness location and resindence



  1. Have the net asset most widely Rp. 200.000.000,- (two hundred million rupiah) exclude the land and the building for bussiness
  2. Have the annual sales result most widely Rp.,- (one billion rupiah)
  3. Indonesia Citizen
  4. Independent, not subsidiaries or branch of company that owned, controlled or affiliated eihther directly or indirectly with middle or big bussiness.
  5. Individual, bussiness entity that not incorporated, or Enterprise in legal status in form of cooperative
  6. Have the potential and prospect to developt
  7. Had conducted the bussiness activity at least 1 year
  8. Statement Letter has not been fulfilled banking requirement (non Bankable)